Predator Virtual CNC™ for Siemens Sinumerik CNCs
Complete Siemens Sinumerik CNC support
Predator Virtual CNC provides complete 3D CNC verification and machine simulation support for all Siemens Sinumerik CNC models. Within Predator Virtual CNC, maximize the performance and capabilities of each Siemens Sinumerik CNC model and ensure that the proper part gets machined each time.
Predator Virtual CNC includes support for all major Siemens Sinumerik functions, G-codes and M-codes standard. Not all Siemens Sinumerik functions, G-codes and M-codes are available for all Siemens Sinumerik models and M-codes will vary with each machine builder. Support for specific Siemens Sinumerik functions, G-codes and M-codes can be adjusted within every Predator Reverse Post Processor.
Supported Siemens Sinumerik G-code and Cycles
Predator Virtual CNC includes support for the following Siemens Sinumerik functions and G-codes:
G-code | Description |
A2, B2 & C2 | Move Orientation Angles |
A3, B3 & C3 | Move Orientation Vectors |
A4, B4 & C4 | Move Surface Normal Start |
A5, B5 & C5 | Move Surface Normal End |
A6, B6 & C6 | Move Arc Axis |
AP | Polar Angle |
AMIRROR | Incremental Mirror |
AROT | Incremental Rotation |
ASCALE | Incremental Scale |
ATRANS | Translate |
CHF | Chamfer |
CUT3DC | Enable 3D Cutter Compensation |
CYCLE76 | Spigot Cycle |
CYCLE77 | Spigot Cycle |
CYCLE81 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE82 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE83 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE84 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE85 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE86 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE87 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE88 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE89 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE90 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE800 | Swivel Cycle |
CYCLE801 | Hole Cycle |
CYCLE840 | Hole Cycle |
G0 | Rapid motion |
G1 | Linear motion |
G2 | Circular CW motion |
G3 | Circular CCW motion |
G4 | Dwell |
G10 | Load offsets |
G15 | Cancel Polar Coordinates |
G16 | Polar Coordinates |
G17 | XY Plane |
G18 | ZX Plane |
G19 | YZ Plane |
G20 | Inch units |
G21 | Millimeter units |
G28 | Return to Reference Point |
G29 | Return from Reference Point |
G33 | Thread Cycle |
G40 | Cancel Cutter Compensation |
G41 | Cutter Compensation Left |
G42 | Cutter Compensation Right |
G43 | Length Compensation Plus |
G53 | Disable Work Offsets |
G54 | Work Offset 1 |
G55 | Work Offset 2 |
G56 | Work Offset 3 |
G57 | Work Offset 4 |
G58 | Work Offset 5 |
G59 | Work Offset 6 |
G70 | Inch units |
G71 | Millimeter units |
G73 | Hole Cycle |
G74 | Hole Cycle |
G76 | Hole Cycle |
G80 | Cancel Canned Cycle |
G81 | Hole Cycle |
G82 | Hole Cycle |
G83 | Hole Cycle |
G84 | Hole Cycle |
G85 | Hole Cycle |
G86 | Hole Cycle |
G87 | Hole Cycle |
G88 | Hole Cycle |
G89 | Hole Cycle |
G90 | Absolute mode |
G91 | Incremental mode |
G92 | Absolute Zero |
G93 | Inverse Time Feed |
G94 | Feed per Minute |
G95 | Feed per Revolution |
G96 | Constant Surface Speed |
G97 | Cancel Constant Surface Speed |
G98 | Retract to Initial Plane |
G99 | Retract to R Plane |
G110 | Polar Center Incremental |
G111 | Polar Center Absolute |
G153 | Disable Work Offsets |
G154 | Work Offset |
G155 | Work Offset |
G156 | Work Offset |
G157 | Work Offset |
G254 | Work Offset |
G255 | Work Offset |
G256 | Work Offset |
G257 | Work Offset |
G354 | Work Offset |
G355 | Work Offset |
G356 | Work Offset |
G357 | Work Offset |
G454 | Work Offset |
G455 | Work Offset |
G456 | Work Offset |
G457 | Work Offset |
G554 | Work Offset |
G555 | Work Offset |
G556 | Work Offset |
G557 | Work Offset |
G654 | Work Offset |
G655 | Work Offset |
G656 | Work Offset |
G657 | Work Offset |
G700 | Inch units |
G710 | Millimeter units |
G754 | Work Offset |
G755 | Work Offset |
G756 | Work Offset |
G757 | Work Offset |
G854 | Work Offset |
G855 | Work Offset |
G856 | Work Offset |
G857 | Work Offset |
G954 | Work Offset |
G955 | Work Offset |
G956 | Work Offset |
G957 | Work Offset |
HOLES1 | Hole Cycle |
HOLES2 | Hole Cycle |
L | Sub Program Call |
L5 | Change Offset |
LEAD | Lead Angle |
LONGHOLE | Hole Cycle |
MCALL | Cancel Canned Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE81 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE82 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE83 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE84 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE85 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE86 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE87 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE88 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE89 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE801 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL CYCLE840 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL HOLES1 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL HOLES2 | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL LONGHOLE | Modal Hole Cycle |
MCALL POCKET1 | Modal Pocket Cycle |
MCALL POCKET2 | Modal Pocket Cycle |
MCALL SLOT1 | Modal Slot Cycle |
MCALL SLOT2 | Modal Slot Cycle |
MESSAGE | Comments |
MSG | Comments |
MIRROR | Mirror |
NUT | Cone Angle |
OFFN | Diameter Offset |
ORIAXES | Rotary Axis Tool Tip Interpolation |
ORICONCCW | Rotary Axis Arc Interpolation CCW |
ORICONCW | Rotary Axis Arc Interpolation CW |
ORIEULER | Euler Angles |
ORIMKS | Machine Orientation Reference |
ORIPLANE | Rotary Tool Axis Interpolation |
ORIRPY | RPY Angles |
ORIVECT | Rotary Tool Axis Interpolation |
ORIWKS | Workpiece Orientation Reference |
ORIWKS | Workpiece Orientation Reference |
POCKET1 | Pocket Cycle |
POCKET2 | Pocket Cycle |
POCKET3 | Pocket Cycle |
POCKET4 | Pocket Cycle |
RND | Round |
ROT | Rotation |
RP | Polar Radius |
THETA | Theta Angle |
TILT | Tilt Angle |
TRANS | Translate |
TRAORI | Enable Rotary Compensation |
TRAOFF | Disable Rotary Compensation |
SCALE | Scale |
SLOT1 | Slot Cycle |
SLOT2 | Slot Cycle |
SUB | Sub Program Call |
Supported Siemens Sinumerik M-codes
M-code | Description |
M0 | Operation Stop |
M1 | Program Stop |
M2 | Program End |
M3 | Spindle CW |
M4 | Spindle CCW |
M5 | Spindle Stop |
M6 | Load Tool |
M7 | Coolant On |
M8 | Coolant On |
M9 | Coolant Off |
M17 | Sub Program Return |
M25 | Tool Clamp |
M26 | Tool Clamp |
M30 | Program End |
M36 | Change Pallet |
M87 | Air Blast |
M98 | Sub Program Call |
M99 | Sub Program Return |
NOTE: Additional Siemens M-codes are specific to the machine builder and can be added as needed.
Supported Siemens Sinumerik Math and Logic Functions
Function | Description |
R[#] | Variables |
+ - / * ^ | Math Functions |
SQRT | Square Root |
MOD | Modulus |
TRUNC | Truncation |
IC | Truncation |
== | Equal To |
<> | Not Equal condition |
> | Greater Than condition |
< | Less Than condition |
>= | Greater than or Equal condition |
<= | Less than or Equal condition |
AND | And boolean |
OR | Or boolean |
NOT | Negation boolean |
XOR | Exclusive OR boolean |
SIN | Sine function |
COS | Cosine function |
TAN | Tangent function |
ATAN | Arctangent function |
ABS | Absolute function |
ROUND | Round function |
LN | Log function |
EXP | Exponent function |
IF | Condition |
WH or WHILE | Condition |
DO | Start Loop |
END | End loop |
GOTOB | Jump function |
GOTOP | Jump function |
REPEAT | Repeat function |
NOTE: Some Siemens Sinumerik functions may have to be purchased from Siemens or the machine builder.