Predator Ethernet Port Requirements

Predator applications leverage the power of Ethernet. Best effort will be made to support your network. However, not all features are supported within all corporate networks. Some Predator features require changes to network security, configuration and infrastructure by corporate IT. For example, servers or essential IT services located in the cloud or in a colocation facility must be discussed with Predator personnel prior to quoting or scheduling implementation services. For proper operation, the following default Ethernet ports should be opened up on all switches and firewalls where Predator applications operate:

Predator BCR Hardware

Port Description
N/A Ethernet ports are not required for Predator BCR hardware

Predator CNC Editor Enterprise Software

Port Description
80 Browser & Viewer
445 Microsoft SMB
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
1521 & 1630 Oracle and Oracle Express

Predator CNC Service Software

Port Description
80 Elexa CNC, Fanuc Robot, JSON, MTConnect & XML
445 Microsoft SMB
502 Modbus TCP/IP
510 Predator MDC Adapter 3G
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
1521 & 1630 Oracle and Oracle Express
4840 OPC UA
5000 Hurco, Okuma P Series and ProtoTrack - MTConnect
500# 3rd Party MTConnect Agents and Adapters
7878 3rd Party MTConnect Agents and Adapters - SHDR
8082 DMG Mori MTConnect Coordinator and Haas NGC MTConnect
8192 & 8193 Fanuc CNC & Fanuc CNC Backup - Fast & Embedded
8194 Predator Secure HID
8195 Predator Secure CM100 CNC
8195 Predator Secure Gerber CNC
8195 Predator Secure OPC
8195 Predator Secure Siemens CNC
15404 DMG Mori IoTconnector - MTConnect
19000 Heidenhain
10000-59999 Predator DNC (per Configuration)

Predator CycleLock Hardware

Port Description
N/A Ethernet ports are not required for Predator CycleLock hardware

Predator DNC and DNC Enterprise Software

Port Description
20 & 21 FTP Client & Server Terminators
23 Cognex Terminator
25 Email Terminators
80 Browser & Viewer (Enterprise Only)
445 File Read Terminator (Microsoft SMB)
445 File Write Terminator (Microsoft SMB)
1391 DMG Mori CNC Terminator (Celos)
1433 & 1434 (UDP) All Microsoft SQL Server based Links
1521 & 1630 All Oracle based Links
8008 DMG Mori CNC Terminator (MAPPS II, III & IV)
8190 & 8191 Predator Secure DNC
8192 & 8193 Fanuc CNC & Fanuc CNC Data Terminators - Fast & Embedded
10000-59999 Client, Cognex & Server Terminators (per Configuration)
10000-59999 Predator DNC Connect (per Configuration)
60000-61000 FTP Server Terminator (Passive Range)

Predator DR 2x2 Hardware

Port Description
23 Telnet style Configuration
80 Browser style Configuration
950-955 Data
966-981 Commands
1029 Status
4000 Firmware updates
4800 Device Discovery

Predator EditLock Hardware

Port Description
N/A Ethernet ports are not required for Predator EditLock hardware

Predator Express Hardware

Port Description
N/A Ethernet ports are not required for Predator Express hardware

Predator Express/N Hardware

Port Description
23 Telnet style Configuration
80 Browser style Configuration
950-955 Data
966-981 Commands
1029 Status
4000 Firmware updates
4800 Device Discovery

Predator Express/W Hardware

Port Description
23 Telnet style Configuration
80 Browser style Configuration
950-955 Data
966-981 Commands
1029 Status
4000 Firmware updates
4800 Device Discovery

Predator Flex/N Hardware

Port Description
23 Telnet style Configuration
80 Browser style Configuration
771 Commands and data
1027 Encrypted commands and data
2101 Modbus RTU/ASCII over TCP/IP
2362 Device Discovery

Predator FLM Software

Port Description
445 Microsoft SMB
1024 Predator FLM
3422-3423 Digi Anywhere USB (Optional)
6002 Sentinel License Monitor (Optional)

Predator Label Utility Software

Port Description
9004 Keyence MK-G Series Ink Jet Printer

Predator MDC Adapter Hardware

Port Description
N/A Ethernet ports are not required for Predator MDC Adapter hardware

Predator MDC Express, MDC and MDC Enterprise Software

Port Description
80 Browser & Viewer
445 Microsoft SMB
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
1521 & 1630 Oracle and Oracle Express

Predator MDC Executive Software

Port Description
443 HTTPS - Optional
445 Microsoft SMB
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
1521 & 1630 Oracle and Oracle Express
4194 Predator MDC Executive

Predator MDC Export Service Software

Port Description
445 Microsoft SMB
4841 OPC UA

Predator PDM and PDM Enterprise Software

Port Description
80 Browser & Viewer
445 Microsoft SMB
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
1521 & 1630 Oracle and Oracle Express

Predator PDM Export Service Software

Port Description
445 Microsoft SMB

Predator RCM Express and RCM Software

Port Description
20 & 21 FTP Transfers
25 Email Notifications
445 Microsoft SMB
502 Modbus TCP/IP
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
2101 Modbus RTU/ASCII over TCP/IP*
2222 (UDP) EtherNet/IP Implicit Messaging
3002 Fanuc Robot
44818 EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging
4500 Mazak CNC (Mazak Ethernet Library - Legacy)
49152 AgieCharmilles eSupervision (Broadcast)
49153 AgieCharmilles eSupervision (Supervision)
49154 AgieCharmilles eSupervision (Control)
57400 Mazak CNC (Mazak API)
8192 & 8193 Fanuc CNC - Fast & Embedded
10000-59999 Predator DNC or Predator MDC (Optional Integration)

NOTE* Predator RCM requires a dedicated connection for each device that uses Modbus RTU/ASCII over TCP/IP. Predator RCM does not support Multidrop or daisy chaining of multiple devices via Modbus RTU/ASCII over TCP/IP.

Predator Tracker Software

Port Description
80 Browser & Viewer
445 Microsoft SMB
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
1521 & 1630 Oracle and Oracle Express
10001 Predator RFID Writer

Predator Travelers Express and Travelers Software

Port Description
80 Browser & Viewer
445 Microsoft SMB
1433 & 1434 (UDP) Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express
1521 & 1630 Oracle and Oracle Express

Predator Touch HMI Software

Port Description
445 \FileOpen (Microsoft SMB)
445 \FileSave (Microsoft SMB)
10001 RFID
10000-59999 Predator DNC or Predator MDC (Optional Integration)

Predator USB SIM - Sentinel SIM Driver Software

Port Description
3422-3423 Digi Anywhere USB (Optional)
6002 Sentinel License Monitor (Optional)

Predator Virtual CNC Software

Port Description
445 Microsoft SMB

Every implementation does not need to open every port listed, just the ones that are used. The above default values may have been changed. Always refer to any implementation specific documentation or the actual configuration to determine the exact port numbers that are specified.

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